An im年龄 of a student at a computer with text overlaid that says

种子 -常见问题

  1. Does the 种子 scholarship cover tuition, fees, and books?
    种子奖学金只包括学费. 佩尔助学金, 其他学费减免, 和其他适用的助学金/奖学金援助将在申请种子基金之前使用. 费用和书籍不包括在内.
  2. I am a home-schooled student or attend a private high school in Delaware. 我可以申请种子奖学金吗?
    是的. 在家接受教育的学生和在特拉华州私立高中就读的学生必须在居住方面满足与传统学校学生相同的资格要求, full-time enrollment during their first semester, 金融援助, 等. 在家上学的学生必须提供一份成绩单副本,显示在家上学地点的特拉华州地址. In the event a home-schooled student does not have a transcript, 学生需要提供新SAT总分至少1350分或ACT总分至少19分的成绩证明.
  3. I am a James Groves High School graduate. 我可以申请种子奖学金吗?
    是的. 符合其他要求的詹姆斯格罗夫斯高中毕业生有资格申请种子奖学金.
  4. 我可以申请种子奖学金吗 if I earned a GED?
    是的, 获得特拉华州教育委员会认可中等证书(GED)的学生,符合条件的分数相当于2分.5 cumulative GPA are eligible to apply for the 种子 scholarship. 必须满足所有其他种子要求.
  5. I was in foster care between the 年龄s of 16 and 18. 我可以申请种子奖学金吗?
    是的, 如果你在16岁到18岁之间的任何时候住在儿童及其家庭服务部管辖的寄养中心(无论是在特拉华州境内还是境外), 你有资格获得种子奖学金, even though you may not have graduated from a Delaware high school or graduated with a 2.5平均绩点. 你必须向经济援助办公室证明自己的身份,并提供寄养证明,年龄在16到18岁之间.
  6. When should I apply for the 种子 scholarship?
    You should apply as soon as you decide to enroll at Delaware Tech. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) becomes available Oct. 1 and must be completed by June 30 of that academic year.
  7. What happens if I take a semester off from college?
    Associate degree-seeking 种子 students may take a one-time leave of absence of up to one year. Students may request additional and/or longer leaves of absence for military service, participation in a full-time volunteer service program, 个人或家庭困难, 或者有医疗记录. 非学位或劳动力发展项目的种子学生不需要保持连续注册.
  8. 不能提供公民身份证明的学生是否有资格获得种子奖学金?
    是的. 无法提供公民身份确认的学生必须满足与有学历学生相同的资格要求(GPA)。, 暴力重罪定罪, and first-semester enrollment as a full-time student (for associate degree students). 有资格获得奖学金, the student must have: (a) attended a high school located within the 状态 of Delaware for two or more years; (b) graduated from a Delaware high school; (c) applied for all campus-based 金融援助 (scholarships, 等.) for which they are eligible; and (d) submitted a notarized 学费 Affidavit (available in Delaware Tech's 招生 Office) which certifies that the student is unable to provide confirmation of citizenship and that they have filed an application to legalize their immigration status or will file an application to legalize their application status as soon as they become eligible.
  9. 我是否必须参加全日制课程(12学分或以上)并申报专业才有资格获得种子奖学金?
    如果你的专业是副学士, you must be enrolled in 12 credits your first semester to be eligible for the 种子 scholarship. Full-time enrollment is required only for the first semester. Keep in mind that the more credits you take, the sooner you will graduate.
  10. 如何申请种子奖学金?
    参观 种子 -应用步骤 浏览更多信息.
  11. What does my cumulative high school grade point aver年龄 (GPA) need to be?
    To be eligible for 种子 in an associate degree program, your cumulative GPA must be 80 percent or higher on a 100-point scale, a 2.5对4.0 scale, or a C+ for those schools awarding letter grades.
  12. What cumulative grade point aver年龄 (GPA) must I maintain once I am a student at Delaware Tech?
    As an associate degree student, you must maintain a 2.在每学年结束时累积平均成绩达到5分,才有资格获得种子奖学金. The cumulative GPA is based on all college level credits attempted. The cumulative GPA will be reviewed at the end of each summer semester.
  13. Do I have to apply for 金融援助 even though I know I will not qualify to receive such aid?
    是的, 所有种子申请人都必须填写联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。.
  14. What is the deadline date for applying for 金融援助 for the Delaware 种子 scholarship?
    Students should submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. The FAFSA is available for the upcoming academic year beginning Oct. 1. No 种子 funds will be applied until all 金融援助 requirements are met.
  15. How will I know if I have been awarded the Delaware 种子 scholarship?
    Once you complete your Application for Admission, FAFSA, and any additional requirements for 金融援助, 你将获得种子基金. 种子奖学金的验证将在收到您的最终正式高中成绩单后确定.
  16. I have a felony charge pending against me. 我可以申请吗??
    有暴力重罪指控的学生必须签署一份证明,说明如果他们被定罪,他们将通知相应的特拉华州技术经济援助办公室. Students convicted of a violent felony will no longer be eligible for the 种子 scholarship.
  17. Can I take courses in the summer semester?
    是的. 只要满足所有其他资格要求,你可以通过参加暑期课程来加速完成你的奖项. 课程不能是种子以前涵盖的,必须适用于毕业要求.
  18. Do I have to apply for 金融援助 every year that I receive the 种子 scholarship?
    是的. Students should submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. The FAFSA is available for the upcoming academic year beginning Oct. 1. No 种子 funds will be applied until all 金融援助 requirements are met.
  19. How many semesters can I receive the 种子 scholarship?
    You are eligible to participate in this program for 10 continuous semesters, 不包括夏季学期. This is the equivalent of five academic years.
  20. 我必须每年提交我没有被判犯有暴力重罪的证明文件吗?
    No, but if you are convicted of a violent felony while receiving the 种子 scholarship, 你必须通知财政援助办公室.
  21. What happens if I do not pass a course and must repeat it?
    The 种子 scholarship does not provide payment for courses that are repeated.
  22. Do I have to re-apply for the 种子 scholarship each year?
    No. The 种子 scholarship will be renewed automatically if all eligibility requirements are met. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be submitted each year.
  23. Does the 种子 Scholarship Program allow for academic accommodations for disabilities?
    是的. 如果学生透露自己的残疾使他们无法在第一学期修满12个学分,那么作为一种合理的安排,他们可能会被授予兼职身份. 根据该奖学金计划要求特殊学术住宿的学生必须提交适当的文件,以支持他们对合理住宿的需求,并获得校园残疾服务办公室的批准.

  24. I am applying to a competitive admissions program. 如果在我完成申请所需的所有课程的时间和我在项目中获得席位的时间之间有延迟,会发生什么?
    您必须向财务援助办公室提供书面请求,并提供您的项目顾问或部门主席的验证,说明此时您不能参加额外的课程. If your request is granted, your 种子 scholarship will be placed on hold. To have your 种子 scholarship reactivated, 你必须通知财政援助办公室 once you accept a seat in the program. 如果您继续注册以完成理学副学士学位或任何其他目的的要求,您可能不会暂停种子奖学金.
  25. I have completed my associate degree and have been admitted to a bachelor’s degree program. 我有资格获得种子奖学金吗?
    是的. If you have maintained 种子-eligibility at the time you graduate with an associate degree, 你有资格在特拉华理工大学或特拉华大学获得额外一年的本科学位课程.
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If you have 种子 or 金融援助 questions, please visit 十大正规赌博平台大全 寻求帮助.